Cartography Adventures

Selari and Neighboring Kingdoms no towns 50rsz marked

So, this is what I did yesterday. I wrote a fair bit, too, but this was the meat of my efforts. I love fantasy cartography, and for the most part I keep it fairly simple — er, in some respects. This is mostly layers of texture painting. I’ve cannibalized some tutorials from the Cartographer’s Guild for a few elements, and the textures are from a lovely person on their forums who goes by coyotemax. I adore their textures and use them in all my fantasy maps. Much gratitude for those gorgeous realistic textures.

Selari is the main kingdom for this Bearers of Song story that I’m working on. It’s split into two provinces, Gadan and Revett, and borders Naris. Nearby neighbors are Bricaria and Alchane, and between Selari and them lies the Vernal Sea. (Vernal as in youthful and vigorous!)

It’s still a work in progress, as it needs town names, but this at least has geographical features and region names. It’s a good start to get me visualizing the journey my characters will take.

So, for peoples, you’ve got the Selari, the Narisati, the Alchese, and the Bricarians. Political and cultural information to follow at a later date! I might work on that today, or I might grasshopper off into something else. It all depends on what’s shiniest today. 🙂

One thought on “Cartography Adventures

  1. Nice work.

    On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Writing Euryale wrote:

    > heatherlandonwrites posted: ” So, this is what I did yesterday. I wrote a > fair bit, too, but this was the meat of my efforts. I love fantasy > cartography, and for the most part I keep it fairly simple — er, in some > respects. This is mostly layers of texture painting. I’ve cannibaliz” >


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